Riverside News Issue 415 – 17.05.24

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Riverside News

Reporting Pupil Absence

This is a reminder to all parents/carers that the correct way to report absences is to leave a message on the absence line answerphone daily. If messages are sent by email to the admin email address they will not be registered in time for the morning attendance and you may then receive a call from our attendance team.

STAR of the Week

Leopard: Bronwen B

For her beautiful artwork! Bronwen pays attention to detail in her drawings and shows such enthusiasm for creative activities. 

Zebra: Ella-Rose P

For her excellent contribution to our story map for ‘Whatever next?’ Ella-Rose confidently read our story map to the class and performed the actions with amazing expression. Well done Ella-Rose!

Bear: Iris W

For an amazing piece of artwork using line drawing and water colours in the style of Paul Klee.

Otter: Henry P

For using the correct blocks in our Computing lesson to move his sprite and for always being an excellent role-model!

Lion: Reggie B

For being a super scientist this week! Reggie could explain the life cycle of a plant and even wrote a detailed description of this. Well done Reggie!

Dolphin: Henry H

For always working hard and to the best of his ability. Henry wrote an excellent summary of the story, “Grandad’s Island” in our Talk for Reading lesson this week. Well done, Henry.

Panda: Rosie M

For writing an excellent introduction to her recount using the skills from the success criteria.

Tiger: Mia B

For working really hard on our Math’s topic about time and demonstrating an excellent understanding of this concept. Excellent effort Mia!. 

Giraffe: Melissa M

For writing an excellent Wishing Story and using speech punctuation perfectly. 

Turtle: Finley J

For writing a very detailed letter based on his fictional trip to the Sonoran desert in Mexico! He used the information sheet to help write this and it made a very interesting read. Well done!

Monkey: Mason R

For great work during reading.You demonstrated a strong grasp of the techniques by meticulously highlighting pertinent text and crafting thoughtful responses.

Kangaroo: Dylan M-L

For working incredibly hard throughout SATs week. You worked methodically and carefully in every test. Very Well done!

Koala: Esme J

For bossing her reading SATs test this week! She has shown confidence and maturity throughout the week, well done Esme!



W/E: 10/05/24

Overall Attendance

This week our Year 6 students completed their end of Key Stage Two (known as SATs) assessments. Over the past week, the children tackled a total of six papers, which included assessments in grammar, spelling, reading, and mathematics. Each and every pupil approached these assessments with impressive maturity and grace.

The hard work and dedication they demonstrated in the lead-up to and during the assessment week were truly commendable. It was evident that the students tried their very best, putting in maximum effort and staying focused throughout the process.

As a school, we could not be prouder of their achievements and the positive attitude they maintained. Please join us in congratulating the Year 6 students for their hard work.

BGT 2024

Last Saturday (4th May), I was lucky enough to be on the London Palladium’s stage as part of the Simply Simon Choir!

Can you sport me? (I’m in disguise!)

Miss ‘Call me Simon’ Abrehart’


Below are a list of letters, leaflets and posters uploaded to the website this week.

Leaflets/Posters for Parents

Letters sent this week

Previous letters, leaflets and posters can be found on the school website Parents > Letters to Parents

Parent Meetings

Year 2 SATS Presentation

Year 3 Skreens Park Presentation

Year 6 Mersea Island Presentation

Year 4 MTC Information

PTA Rainbow Rush

Persistent Absences

If your child takes too much time off school they will become categorised as PA or persistently absent.  Missing school will make your child fall behind in lessons and will impact on their academic progress and achievement. 

Below is the percentage of children per year group who currently fall into this category.  If you are worried about your child’s school attendance, please do not hesitate to contact the school where we can work with you to improve this.

Year Group % of
Persistent Absences
R 10%
1 10%
2 11%
3 17%
4 16%
5 19%
6 6%
Overall 12%

Reading Awards

Well done to the following children who have received their Bronze award for reading 50 times.

Year 1/2

  • Hunter W
  • Indie W

Year 3/4

  • Roman E
  • Jacob N

Well done to the following children who have received their Silver award for reading 100 times.


  • Grace H

Year 3/4

  • Sofie W
  • Aathavan S
  • Teddy P
  • Oscar W
  • Evie F

Year 5/6

  • Zac G

Well done to the following children who have received their Gold award for reading 200 times.

Year 1/2

  • George T

Year 3/4

  • Tiana T
  • William O
  • Gregory S
  • Lydia T

Year 5/6

  • Brandon M

If you are unsure if your child’s login details, please email their class teacher who will be able to assist.

The school code is SS56ND

Sumdog Years 1-6

Sumdog is an online learning tool which provides personalised maths practice that children love. It adapts questions to each child, using engaging games to build their confidence, and it’s been shown to accelerate progress.

Please note we currently have Sumdog Spelling and Grammar available until the end of August. 

Your child’s login details should be in their yellow reading journals. The school code is SS56ND

PE Timetable – Summer 2

Below is a timetable of when your child will have PE, after half-term.



















Please note: Leopard, Zebra, Otter, Bear, Lion & Dolphin classes will require their Swimming kits on their PE day.


Year 3 parents, please note that Panda have had extended swimming sessions over the last two weeks to compensate for the missed session from the May Bank Holiday (Monday 6th).

Both Tiger and Panda class will have PE on Monday 3rd June for the first week back, due to the class photos being on Wednesday 5th June however the timetable will then revert back to usual with Panda and Tiger both having PE on Wednesday afternoons. This will then remain unchanged for the remainder of the academic year.

KS2 Accelerated Reader: Word Counts

Each week, we will be sharing with you which KS2 class has read the most words. We will find this out by using data from the Accelerated Quizzes. 

Children must score over 70% in their quiz for the book to count towards their class word count. 

Below is this weeks results

Class Name

Total Word count























Team Points

Congratulations to Red team for earning the most team points this week.

Overall Points so far

South Essex Extended Services 

As Riverside has access to the South Essex Extended Services there are 3 events for the summer term you may be interested in attending. Events are free for you to attend and no pre-booking is required.

✅Coffee mornings
This is a chance to meet with other parents in the area, hear some autism input and feel heard.

  • ☕Thursday 27th June 9 45 am to 11 30 am Venue to be confirmed (in the Rayleigh area)

✅Zoom workshop – Using Visual Supports with Your Child

  • Thursday 13th June 1 15pm to 2 45 pm

Times Tables Challenge - Quiz! - Microsoft AppsTimes Tables

Congratulations to the following Year 3/4 children who have earned their;

Silver award as they can fluently and rapidly recall the 3, 4, 6 and 11 times tables.

  • Sofie W
  • Melissa M
  • Benjamin H
  • George N
  • Tiana T
  • Oliver C


Deanes are holding two football days for children in Key Stage 1 during the upcoming half term holiday. There will be a girls day, followed by a boys day. We have supplemented the days as much as we can financially to ensure we get as many children in attendance as possible. If there are any children in key stage 1 that play football, enjoy football or are good at football.
Girls Key Stage 1 
Girls in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
At Deanes School Sports Centre
For just £5
Boys Key Stage 1
Boys in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
At Deanes School Sports Centre
For just £5

Wakeup Wednesday: Safeguarding Tips


To see more posters swipe your screen. Further posters for events can be found by clicking here.

11+ 2025 Entry Important Dates

14 May 2024 — GSSE online registration link opens at 9am. Parents can register for the 11+ tests through the CSSE website: www.csse.org.uk or by completing the postal form in the Information Guide.

28 June 2024 — Deadline date for receipt of evidence supporting requests for special arrangements.

28 June 2024 — GSSE Registration closes at 5pm

17 July 2024 — Test centre letters should be received by parents.


21 September 2024 — SATURDAY MAIN 11+ DAY

1 October 2024 — TUESDAY TEST DAY for applicants that have a religious objection to sitting on a Saturday or are ill on the main day.

14 October 2024 — Results will be emailed to all candidates.

31 October 2024 — Published closing date for the receipt of applications to Local Authorities.



At Riverside, we love celebrating our pupils’ achievements, both inside and outside of school. If your child has accomplished something beyond the classroom, we want to hear about it!

Please email admin@riversideprimary.co.uk with a brief description along with any photos of their achievement. We’ll be thrilled to showcase their success in our weekly newsletters.

Dinner Menu

We are operating a two week rolling menu. The menus, ingredients and allergen lists can be viewed on our website by clicking here.
School Dinners cost £2.60 per day.

Childcare Vouchers

Tax free childcare vouchers can be used to pay for Breakfast and Twilight sessions.

Breakfast club cost £6 per session.

Please arrive in between 7.30 – 8.15am. Your child will be walked back to their class by a member of staff when the school day begins.

Included in this cost will be a drink and a breakfast of toast and cereal.

Twilight club cost £7.50 per session.

Twilight Club runs from 3:15pm to 5pm. Your child will be taken to Twilight club by their class teacher at the end of the school day.

Included in this cost children are provided with a drink and healthy snack

Bookings must be booked 24 hours in advance via ParentPay.

Twilight Mobile: 07597 007571

KS1 playground

Please do not allow children to play on the equipment either before/after school. At the end of the day, parents and children should leave the site promptly . This enables us to open up the playground for our other clubs. Thank you.

KS2 playground

Please note that the day in KS2 does not start until 8:40am when the doors open. Children should not be left unsupervised on the playground before this time. Children should not play on the equipment. Thank you


Dates not shown on previous issues are added in RED!

Summer 1 2024

17-23/05/24 — Years 1-6 Sumdog East of England Maths Contest

18/05/24 — PTA: Colour Run

23/05/24 — EYFS Parent Drop-in

23/05/24 — PTA Krispy Kreme Sale

24/05/24 — NON-PUPIL DAY

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024

Summer 2 2024

03/05/24 — Children return to school

03/06/24 — Year 6 Leavers Party Fundraising begins

03/06/24 — PTA Meeting at 1pm

04/06/24 — PTA Father’s Day Sale

05/06/24 — Class Photographs

06/06/24 — Year 2 to Hullbridge Library

07/06/24 — PTA Paint & Prosecco Evening – 7pm

10/06/24 — Andy Turner (Olympian) Meeting

10/06/24 — Race to Paris with Andy Turner

12/06/24 — EYFS new parents meeting at 5pm

13/06/24 — EYFS trip to Thorndon Country Park

15/06/24 — PTA Summer fete

18/06/24 — Year 6 leave for Mersea Island

20/06/24 — Year 1 to Hullbridge Library

21/06/24 — Year 6 return from Mersea Island

27/06/24 — Sweyne Park Year 7 (current Year 6’s) Parent Induction Meeting at 7pm

28/06/24 — Sweyne Park Year 7 (current Year 6’s) Induction Day at 8.45am

Summer 2 2024

28/06/24 — Jump Up Day

28/06/24 — New EYFS Stay & Play Session 1

01/07/24 — Year 3 to Skreens (1st Class Leave)

02/07/24 — Year 3 to Skreens (1st Class Return, 2nd class leaves)

03/07/24 — Year 3 to Skreens (2nd Class Return)

04/07/24 — SEN Coffee Morning

04/07/24 — PTA Meeting at 1pm

05/07/24 — Year 6 Performance to school

08/07/24 — District Sports

09/07/24 — Year 6 Performance to parents (more information will be sent nearer the time)

10/07/24 — Sports Day

10/07/24 — PTA Sports Day Breakfast Bar

11/07/24 — PTA: EYFS & KS1 Summer Disco – PM

12/07/24 — All clubs end by today

12-18/07/24 — Years 1-6 Sumdog East of England Maths Contest

12/07/24 — New EYFS Stay & Play Session 2

12/07/24 — PTA KS2 Summer Disco

15/07/24 — Year 6 Leavers Party Fundraising ends

17/07/24 — Sports Day (Reserve)

18/07/24 — PTA: Year 6 Leavers Party

19/07/24 — EYFS Parent Drop-in

23/07/24 — Year 6 Graduation (more information will be sent nearer the time)

23/07/24 — Children break up for the Summer